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The 5 Challenges Of A Fencing Installation Project

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Before you begin a fencing installation project, it's important to understand the common challenges. Even if you've hired a contractor, you will need to make some decisions to confront the following five issues.

Property Lines

A typical fence installation tends to run close to the property line. If you're going to install a fence near the boundaries of your property, be sure that you understand the local regulations. Many municipalities limit how close a fence can come to the property line. Likewise, there are usually limits on fence heights. Contact the local code enforcement office to find out what the regulations are where you live.

It is also worth discussing your plans with your neighbors. Where possible, try to avoid inconveniencing them. Also, you may want to ask for an easement if you need the fence to run anywhere that it might encroach on their property or air rights.


Another common regulatory issue is permitting. During your code enforcement conversation, ask what the permitting process is for a fence installation.


Fencing comes in many types. Your choice of materials will depend on your practical and aesthetic goals. If you're putting in a fence to deter theft in a largely unmonitored spot, a big chain link fence probably isn't problematic. Conversely, you'll likely want a more appealing material like wood, wood-plastic composite, or wrought iron if the fence is going somewhere highly visible.

Materials will also affect weathering. Metal fences do poorly in salt environments like marine areas. Wood can be troublesome in wet places with lots of bugs.

Level Ground

Placing a fence on reasonable level ground is important. Extremely uneven ground can create vulnerable points in a fence where people or animals can easily get past it. You may need to do some minor civil engineering to make the ground's grade smooth enough to accommodate a fencing installation. Some people also pour concrete to accomplish the same goal, especially if there are only small areas that require extra attention to achieve a fairly level grade. Talk with your fencing supplier or contractor to confirm what the grade needs to be for your choice of products.

Installation Conditions

Some locations are more challenging than others for fence installation work. For example, wet weather can make digging post holes more difficult. The wet ground can also reduce the effectiveness of the posts. Windy weather poses challenges for installing fence sections that have long and flat sides. Ideally, you want to plan around the weather so you can install your fence in sufficiently good conditions.
