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Top Considerations When Installing A Wrought Iron Fence

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If you want your house to stand out, try installing a wrought iron fence. These fences are elegant and long-lasting. While you can expect to spend a pretty penny on a wrought iron fence, the investment is worthwhile. Before installing a wrought iron fence, here are some considerations to keep in mind. 

Cost of the Fence 

The first thing you should think about is the cost of installation. Customized iron is more expensive than standard designs. To save on costs, choose prefabricated iron fence panels. When choosing a wrought iron fence design, consider your property's value. Since wrought iron fencing is a luxury fencing material, it will increase the value of your home. Furthermore, this fencing option is long-lasting. Therefore, you will spend less on repairs or replacement.

The Area Around the Fence

Before installing a wrought iron fence, consider the surroundings. If you want full visibility through your fence, choose a widely-spaced fence. If there are plants near the railings, determine whether you want them to be part of the fence. 

If so, you can incorporate climbing plants. Remember that damp plants can promote rust. Therefore, if plants will be part of your fencing, you should prepare for more maintenance to prevent corrosion.

The Color Options

Many wrought iron fences are black. New technologies have powder coating on the wrought iron. This prevents rust and minimizes fence maintenance. Powder coating also supports a variety of color options. This leaves you spoilt for choice when choosing the perfect color for your wrought iron fence.

Some organic colors available include beige, brown, and green. These naturalistic colors are suitable if you want your wrought iron fence to recede into the background. For example, a green colored fence will work well if you have a wide expanse of lawn. You can also opt for metal colors like bronze, silver, and gold.

Privacy Concerns

Wrought iron fences aren't suited for ensuring privacy. A narrow gap can allow others to look through the fence. If you want privacy, you may have to ask your installer to incorporate metal panels to fill the voids. Alternatively, consider planting shrubs behind the fence to restrict the view.

Best Maintenance Practices

Although wrought iron is durable, maintenance will increase its longevity. Ask your installer for maintenance tips. Typically, wrought iron fences need to be cleaned often with soapy water. This helps get rid of the accumulation of debris and grime. 

Cleaning slows down minor rusting. Also, consider applying a wax finish. If you spot any rusty spots, scrub the rust away with a wire brush. You may have to use a primer and repaint the fence. For severe rust, you should call your fence installer. 

To learn more, contact fence builders near you.
