fencing to control wildlife in your yard

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Protecting The Perimeter Of Your Urban Garden

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Living urban doesn't mean giving up the things you love about country life. When you live in an urban environment, you simply have to go about things differently. If you are growing food and other self-sustaining items in your backyard, you will need to protect the garden. Not only will you need to protect it properly. Here are some ways to make sure your backyard garden is left alone to flourish in the big city.    

Build a cinder block fence

In an urban area, you likely share some walkways with your neighbors. The first thing that you want to do is block off your personal yard so that your garden will remain untouched. While many people in urban and suburban areas opt for chain link fences, you want to establish a cinder block fence for your garden. It is harder to climb a wall made of cinder blocks; therefore, it will be less likely that people try to climb into or cut through your yard. It also makes it impossible for cars to up from the curb in your front or back yard and accidentally hit your garden. Contact a local outlet, such as Harrington & Company, for further assistance.

Use netting to protect from birds

One force of nature that you cannot control are the animals. In an urban environment, this is likely to be birds. To stop birds from being able to access your fruits, vegetables, and plants, install netting over these plants. Get a net, similar to tent netting, and string it from the cinderblock wall to the front row of the garden. Make sure the sides are covered as well so that animals cannot hop inside.  This mesh-like netting will allow your plants to still get some sunshine and allow you to water it, but it won't be available for the animals to feast on. 

Set up lighting

If you live in an area where sunlight may be blocked due to large buildings, you may find that in the winter, your plants and food receives less sun than it needs to flourish. Install lights in your yard that mimic sunlight so that you can turn on the lights for your plants as needed. Make sure the lights that you purchase are able to conduct warmth so that you can keep your garden going, even when the temperatures get lower. If your yard is smaller, set up the lights on the cinderblock wall, so that it will not take up much space, but will provide the warmth and brightness needed. 
